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Penalties for Juveniles (someone under the age of 18) Convicted of DUI

Penalties for Juveniles
(someone under the age of 18) Convicted of DUI

First Offense

  • One day detention
  • Two year license suspension
  • $100 to $500 fine plus surcharges
  • Court ordered substance abuse counseling which you pay for
  • Community Service

Second Offense

  • 30 days detention
  • Two year license suspension
  • $100 to $500 fine plus surcharges
  • Court ordered substance abuse counseling which you pay for
  • Community Service

In addition to the sanctions imposed by the court for the violations previously listed, if you can find an insurance carrier that will insure you, your premiums will increase significantly. DUI convictions can eliminate you from qualifying for college degrees, scholarships and employment.

If you injure or kill someone while driving impaired, the penalties increase significantly to include long term state prison sentences. Remember

You Drink & Drive. YOU LOSE!

Driving While Impaired Is A Crime!

Highway safety is everyones responsibility.

It is up to all of us to be responsible motorists. Driving safely sets a good example for others, especially young people.

Attorney Kathleen Carey

Kathleen Carey is an experienced and passionate advocate for her clients.

Ms. Carey offers a free initial case evaluation, and will go over the facts of your case, your history, your rights and options.
