Canada DUI Travel Restrictions
New Canadian Immigration Policy Expected to Increase American Tourism
Prior to March 1, any American citizen attempting to gain entry into Canada would not be permitted to cross the border if they had a prior misdemeanor, such as DUI/DWI, on their record. But now thanks to a recent Canadian immigration policy, all that has changed. Just in time for the spring tourism season, Canada will now give any American with a misdemeanor on their record a free Temporary Resident Permit to enter the country. Before this new policy was put in place, Americans would have to undergo a costly and lengthy process to obtain such a permit.
So why the change of heart? After years of turning away paying American customers, Canadian tourism has seriously been affected and the country has decided to do something about it. Owners of hunting and fishing lodges have reported that turning away these citizens has resulted in a loss of profits that has affected them more than the recession. In fact, millions of dollars have already been lost in northwestern Ontario alone.
At this time, Canadian officials have not stated whether or not the Temporary Resident Permit would allow an American citizen to enter the country one time or multiple times. The policy was developed by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and all the details have not yet been released. One thing is for sure, though, and that is Canadian tourism should start to see a boost in dollars.
While American citizens with a misdemeanor on their record will be able to gain entry into the country, the same cannot be said for Americans with felonies. If an American has multiple DWI convictions or other serious offenses, this new policy will not apply to them. Canadian tourism officials put pressure on the CIC to enact this new policy because they did not feel that an American citizen with a DWI on their record three years ago should be denied entry to fish in their country.
Although this policy is new, the hope is that Canadian tourism and American citizens will both enjoy the benefits sooner rather than later.