Vehicular Manslaughter
Second Degree Murder
In Arizona, a conviction for second degree murder, even if it is the result of a traffic accident, has potentially grave consequences. Second degree murder carries the most serious legal repercussions possible, second only to first-degree murder. Second degree murder is a class 1 felony, and a conviction carries a sentence of 10 to 25 years for first time offenders.
A 15 to 20 year prison term is not unusual for a conviction on second degree murder charges as the result of a DUI-related traffic accident. When your personal freedom is at stake at this high level, you need the experienced representation of passionate, dedicated counsel.
At the law firm of Edward A. Loss, III, , we are relentless in our pursuit of your rights. Our extensive experience with murder charges as the result of motor vehicle accidents is extensive; if you face any vehicular homicide charge, we know what to do. We are always straightforward about the seriousness of your situation, and we will let you know where you stand. The decision as to how far we go to fight for a "not guilty" verdict is entirely yours, but we are committed to making sure you have all the information you nee to make the best choice.
Definition of Vehicular Manslaughter:
The crime of causing the death of a human being due to illegal driving of an automobile, including gross negligence, drunk driving, reckless driving or speeding. Vehicular manslaughter can be charged as a misdemeanor (minor crime with a maximum punishment of a year in county jail or only a fine) or a felony (punishable by a term in state prison) depending on the circumstances. Gross negligence or driving a few miles over the speed limit might be charged as a misdemeanor, but drunk driving resulting in a fatality is most likely treated as a felony. Death of a passenger, including a loved one or friend, can be vehicular manslaughter if due to illegal driving.
See also: gross negligence manslaughter reckless driving