State DUI/DWI/OUI Attorney List
Arizona DUI Chart - Arrested for DUI? You need the Arizona DUI Driver's License Flow Chart NOW!
Responsibility In DUI Laws - Concerned citizens who recognize that the current trend in DUI laws is criminalizing and punishing responsible drinkers.
DUI Driver's Guide - Provides useful links to "everything you need to know about DUI." Site created by Lawrence Taylor.
Drinking Driver Arrestees - A service by Joshua M. Dale, Esquire
The Drunk Driving Law Center-California DUI / DWI Information - A service by Lawrence Taylor, The Dean of DUI Attorneys
.08% The "55" of DWI Laws & Study of Between-States Comparisons - Information provided by the National Motorists Association
The American Beverage Institute - Good source of DUI-related information
National College for DUI Defense, Inc. - Excellent source of information on drunk driving litigation and defense strategies.